20405 Santa Maria Avenue, Castro Valley, Ca. 94546
In light of our Re-opening, we must modify our mode of providing service. We must respect social distancing and allocate for timing to keep our number of clients in the shop at acceptable levels. By modifying the rules of the Salon, we can keep things moving in a safe and acceptable manner for all.
We will be providing appointment based services. You can contact Christina by phone, email, or feel free to leave a message on the new voicemail service @5105822282. I will try to answer all messages within 24 hours. If I don’t pick up the phone during business hours 9-3 presently, Tuesday – Saturday , I am with a client. Keep trying.
We require a mask for entry and service. Everyone has one by now, so please bring it. Please come prepared with your facial covering. There will be no exceptions!!
Our Clean, Sanitize, Disinfect, and Sterilize procedures and standards have always been in place for implements, hands, surfaces, and between Clients. This is and always has been and will continue to be priority in our occupation as Professional Stylists.
By Appointment Only
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
We at the Cuttery are always striving to give everyone a great haircut experience through communication, hand signals, counseling, push ups, tactical training, etc., we also use clippers and shears. Whatever it takes to create the haircut that you need.
We encourage you to bring pictures, ideas, past experiences, your mom, your kids, your everything and we will do the best job possible now and in the future.
School may be over for this year, but dedication to education and resources for Castro Valley’s students is a year-round commitment for this week’s Outstanding Community Helper, Shelli Sherman. Shelli was nominated by fellow CVUSD parents and members of the Castro Valley Educational Foundation, of which Shelli was recently president.
Oaktown Spice Shop offers customers the freshest…
The word ‘impossible’ seems to be passé for many, especially the working parents who have been put in the odd, acrobatic position of simultaneously working, facilitating distance-learning, conducting mental health and wellness checks, and providing out-of-class enrichment for children in what seems like a constantly shifting new-normal. According to Nia Rashidchi of Castro Valley Unified School District, these realities have been top-of-mind in planning how to provide quality instruction for kids in the fall.
Dolphin Graphics provides our clients with the most comprehensive branding and marketing solutions with tools that support brand identity to grow their business.